Just a Quick Update…
The grant from the Air Ambulance Trust has been received by us, we are now waiting for Western Power to confirm the acceptance of the quote for the Electricity to be connected to the field. The estimate for work to commence is the end of November /beginning of December, though this may change once the invoice has been paid.
A big thank you to the Air Ambulance Trust for it’s generous donation and continuing support.
Football Field..
Things are progressing well, the pitch has been levelled and seeded and is now growing well, Dunkeswell Rovers are currently using the pitch for training sessions and once the electricity is installed they hope it won’t be long before it can be fully utilised.
The Parish Council are looking to use hedging to cover the boundary fencing, this will help the fenced area blend into the countryside and also hopefully benefit nature, this is a work in progress. More updates once decisions and timings are known.