A message from Dunkeswell Parish Council in regard of the Annual Meeting of the Parishioners (normally held at the Throgmorton Hall)
This was discussed at the March meeting and it was the general consensus of Council that this should be delayed/cancelled due to Covid and not everyone having been vaccinated. We are advised, that whilst there is no legal obligation for the Council to convene this meeting before the 1st June 2021 (for this year) it is generally accepted that this will fall to the Council to arrange if there is a Parish Council in place.
Dunkeswell Parish Councillors have discussed this at length and whilst happy to organise and host this meeting, in “normal times” continue to feel it inappropriate to hold this meeting, at this time, in the interests of keeping the whole the community safe & Covid free! and feel it would be an un-necessary risk at this time.
Having spoken with a few residents to gain insight into whether or not they would be prepared, at this time, to attend this meeting, as a face to face meeting, the overriding opinion was a “No” with some adding that the Council can be contacted via other means. As always the Councillors and Clerk are accessible to you at any time should you have questions, queries, suggestions or require information.
In order to be completely transparent they are announcing the cancellation of this meeting. Should any residents disagree and feel strongly that this meeting should be convened then please contact the clerk, [email protected] as soon as possible. This will then be discussed further and if/where required the meeting can be arranged, either via zoom, on or before 6th May or as a face to face/in person meeting before 1st June.
It was also suggested that the clerk could produce an annual report to record the achievements of the council and community in the last year, anyone wishing to contribute a piece to be included, please contact the Clerk.