
Poppy Stones at Well Steps

The Councillors are pleased to announce that the poppy stones, painted by children in Dunkeswell for Remembrance Sunday have been set at Well Steps as a permanent reminder and mark of respect to those who lost their lives, to give us all our freedoms today.

Members of the Youth Club painted and varnished many stones for Remembrance Sunday and they were hidden all around Dunkeswell and discovered by children in all sorts of locations, giving them much pleasure.  They were then displayed outside of the Preschool, where others added to them.    

The council would like to thank everyone who took part in this,  by painting, hiding or finding a stone; to The Youth Club for coming up with idea and to Ollie Starr, who set the stones at Well Steps.  They can be enjoyed by the community for many years to come and by those passing through, who take a perch at Well Steps.

Photos taken by Wilf Smith

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