Every four years, Parish Councils are required to hold an election for membership of the Council.
The Council is a constantly changing body of people; once elected, Parish Councillors sit on the Council for a maximum of four years. If they wish to to stay in post they must stand for re-election. The Community is encouraged to consider applying to join the Parish Council and it is always good to welcome new members. Ideally, all age groups and a wide demographic should be represented on a Council.
There are eight seats on the Council, If more than eight people stand for election, there will be a ballot and the eight candidates with the most votes will be elected; If less than eight people stand for election, then this is an uncontested election and those that stood are automatically elected and no ballot takes place, with the remaining vacant seats being filled by Co-Option.
For more information about Parish Councils and the Councillor role please use the links below
The Good Councillors Guide 2018
If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, Nomination Packs can be downloaded by using the link below.