The Parish Council wish to remind all those using the Dog Walking Path to exercise their pet/s, that waste must be picked up and disposed either by taking it home and placing in your black bin or using the bins provided at either end of the dog path area.
Whilst the Council are aware that most owners do, do this, this area is increasingly becoming littered with bagged/unbagged pet waste.


Please use the link above to view the full policy at EDDC

“Dog fouling
It is a legal requirement that you pick up after your dog has fouled in a public place and place it in a dog bin or litter bin. People who do not comply risk being issued with a fixed penalty notice or face legal action in the Magistrates Court with a maximum penalty fine of £1,000.”

Additionally, we wish to remind everyone that the Park area adjacent to the Dog Walking cannot be used to exercise your pets, this area is covered by EDDC under a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) further details can be found at https://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/1wbozan5/388018-382730-pspo-control-of-dogs-sealed-22-03-2023-amended.pdf

Thank youPlease Pick Up 1