DAS – Hembury
We are continuing to ensure that Hembury is well looked after and works are ongoing. Some of the work is being done by contractors but the growth of scrub on the ramparts is better controlled by hand. We are planning a (long awaited second) day of work on Sunday 16th March (before the bird nesting season) and we hope you will be able to join us, for some clearance, socialising and a tour of the hillfort together with members of the Archaeological Society.
The work will not be particularly strenuous: mainly cutting off small saplings and brambles at ground level to discourage growth. However, there will be a certain amount of walking involved and we shall be working on sloping and uneven ground. Participants are asked to bring their own secateurs or hand tools with which they feel comfortable working, as well as gloves and boots (and waterproofs if necessary!) and their own lunch and refreshments. We shall meet at Witness Moor car park (ST112033) at 10.30 on Sunday morning and are likely to be on site until about 3.30, but you would be welcome to come for as long as you wish.
We would be delighted if you would be able to join us. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to come. It would be helpful if you could give a telephone number in case we need to change the arrangements at short notice.
On behalf of Devon Archaeological Society