The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is held usually in May at either the Throgmorton Community Hall in Culme Way or The Village Hall. The ‘APM’ is not a Parish Council meeting. It is a meeting of the parish electors which must take place between 1st March and 1st June. Electors can contribute to the agenda and we encourage local groups and organisations to make a report, we also use this meeting to air current issues in the community. The chairman of the parish council, any two councillors or any six electors can call the Annual Parish or Town Meeting. The Parish Council Chairman, if present, will chair the meeting.
It might be worth noting that the Parish Council also have an Annual Parish Council Meeting (APCM) in May to elect a chairman, vice chairman and other roles, this is not the same meeting, but can be a little confusing if unexplained!
Each year an Annual report is published after the Annual Parish Meeting which details the content of the meeting and makes a rather nice record of all we achieve as a community each year (see below for past years Annual Reports).
Please note the Annual report is considered a draft until signed off as a correct record of the meeting at the following years Annual Parish Meeting.
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