
In May 2024, the Parish Council received £7074.31 of CIL money from East Devon District (EDDC) and in October 2024 received £13813.24.  Cil receipts are recorded in the documentation below.

As a Parish Council with a Neighbourhood Plan, Dunkeswell receives 25% of Cil receipts (uncapped)  from EDDC once the CIL receipts are received by them.  CIL is paid in instalments linked to the commencement of development. Planning permissions can be valid for three years, so it may be a number of years before CIL payments are received. Payments are made to the Parish Council twice a year in April and October.

The Parish Council may determine how it’s CIL receipts are spent; however, any expenditure must meet the following criteria as set out in the CIL regulations.  The Community and Local organisations are welcome to put forward suggestions for consideration.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – What is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)? – East Devon

The CIL Regulations state that a Parish Council must use CIL receipts passed to it in accordance with Regulation 59A or 59B to support the development of the local council’s area, or any part of that area, by funding:

  • The provision, improvement, replacement, operation or management of Infrastructure


  • Anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

The full policy, project list  and Annual Report (once submitted) is attached below on this page for information.

If you require any further information please contact the clerk, [email protected]

CIL Documents

These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology and are in the following formats: .pdf. Request an accessible format.

CIL Annual Reports