
To report a problem, please use the links below

  • Potholes or roadside care needed, report a streetlight fault etc (nb If you are reporting a streetlight fault you will need the number that is stencilled on the post), broken manhole cover, parking, Trip hazard and other issues.

     Devon County Council Highways website

  • Electricity cables down, or in danger, or any other concerns:

     Western Power Distribution Website

     EDDC Environmental Health Department

  • Environmental issues, sewage leaks, water contamination, rivers, streams or other risks to human, aquatic or wildlife: Environment Agency
  • From animal welfare to rip-off companies: Trading Standards Website
  • To report someone cutting down a protected tree see further information:

     EDDC Arboricultural Department or call EDDC 01395 516551

  • For Help with how to recycle, or problems with your recycling or waste collection:

     EDDC Recycling and Rubbish pages

Other useful sites

The Devon Association of Local Councils has fact sheets regarding correct procedures and much more on the DALC website

National Association of Local Councils website