To report a problem, please use the links below
- Potholes or roadside care needed, report a streetlight fault etc (nb If you are reporting a streetlight fault you will need the number that is stencilled on the post), broken manhole cover, parking, Trip hazard and other issues.
Devon County Council Highways website
- Electricity cables down, or in danger, or any other concerns:
Western Power Distribution Website
- Water leak: South West Water Website
- Concerns over break of planning regulations: EDDC planning website
- Environmental pollution, noise issues, air quality, light pollution etc:
EDDC Environmental Health Department
- Environmental issues, sewage leaks, water contamination, rivers, streams or other risks to human, aquatic or wildlife: Environment Agency
- From animal welfare to rip-off companies: Trading Standards Website
- To report someone cutting down a protected tree see further information:
EDDC Arboricultural Department or call EDDC 01395 516551
- For Help with how to recycle, or problems with your recycling or waste collection:
Other useful sites
The Devon Association of Local Councils has fact sheets regarding correct procedures and much more on the DALC website
National Association of Local Councils website